In our home let love abide and bless those who step inside

Hi, I’m Melissa! I’m a wife and mother of four with a fondness for handmade crafts, sentiment towards the occasional copper accent and a heart for hospitality.
Recent Posts
I am thrilled to share some of my recent posts that delve into various areas of my life. Join me each week, as I explore my creative side, reflect on life as a mom and wife, and find joy in cultivating love within our family and the relationships around us. As you dive into my recent posts, I hope you find joy and are inspired to live a meaningful and fulfilling life.

6 Steps towards Intentional Mothering
I’d like to encourage us all to make an intentional effort to take time and make time to effectively parent our kids. We need to remind ourselves that God has given us these precious children as gifts in which we need to be good stewards by cultivating, sowing, nourishing, fertilizing, thinning and pruning them as they grow.

8 Tips to ‘Take a Break’ from your Cell Phone
So quickly we’ve become addicted to our screens and more disconnected than ever. In an effort to connect more with those around me, I have set a challenge for myself - 8 tips to ‘take a break’ from my cell phone. This is an attempt to detach from my phone and connect more with those around me.

Slowing Down: 7 Ways to Live in the Moment
Slowing down isn’t always easy. The world we live in values busyness by cramming everything into our day. The balance begins to shift when our days are overflowing with tasks and we don’t have time to just BE. So how do we get on the exit ramp towards slowing down?
Make it with Melissa:
From keychains to curtains - from bath bombs to bathroom remodels - join me here as I get creative in big and little ways.